The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Friday, September 10, 2004

Trust? I think not.

John Howard has decided to make this election one about trust. This is rich coming from a man who has betrayed the public's trust so many times. As a member of Australia's youth, I don't trust John Howard with my future.
I don't trust him with the economy. He's overspent and seems to have as his aim blatantly bribing the Australia people. Then he claims that intresent
I don't trust him with the environment. He's refused to cut greenhouse gas emissions... in fact, he's trumpeted the fact that greenhouse gas emission have increased by 8% since 1998. If moves aren't made now to protect the environment, the future looks grimmer for today's youth.
I don't trust him with foreing policy. His policy of being "America's Sheepdog" is ridiculous and has only helped transform Australia from a relatively respected nation into a hated one. He's exposed Australians to greater risk of terrorism than need be.
In short, I wouldn't trust John Howard to run a cake stall, let alone a nation. Please, look out for Australia's future. I only hope there will be an Australia left by the time I get to vote.


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