Random Rant: Dick Cheney and Idiocy
Cheney's statement that an electoral victory by John Kerry would leave America more vulnerable to terrorist attack is patently ridiculous. Could I remind that the September 11th terrorist attacks occured eight months into G.W Bush's presidency? Is G.W. Bush to blame for making America "more vulnerable"? Possibly, but it's likely that they would have still occured had Gore been in office.
In any case, has any Republican looked at the outside world... especially, y'know, the Middle East? Do you know where all that hatred is directed? Squarely at Dubya's big ol' face. If Dubya stays in office, the chance of America being hit by another terrorist attack is probably a lot higher... if Dubya stays in office, Al-Quaeda and groups like it will have many more recruits who are motivated by a hatred of George W. Bush.
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