The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Random Rant: The Religous Right

I just watched the first part of "With God on our Side", a documentary on the rise of the Religous Right within American politics, and it made me understand American politics a lot better. It was well done, and managed to be extremely impartial, despite the lack of viewpoints from outside the religous right.

I didn't know that any major political personage in any Western nation still opposed equal rights for women. Apparently, a large subsection of the Religous Right does. This single statement, I would think, is enough to destroy the credibility of that section of the Religous Right. I think that is not really acceptable in any nation.

I didn't know that 14 years ago, the Religous Right set out to become America's most powerful political group. Yes, before then, they were powerful, but not as powerful. 14 years ago, the Christian Coalition developed a 5-fold plan to become the most powerful political group in America. They succeeded. More than 40% of American voters identify themselves with the Religous Right, but less than a third of the total population identifies themself with this entity. It's scary how much one well-connected political minority group has come to dominate the American political scene.

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At 1:28 pm, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Check your maths. 40% is a minority. The problem is that 40% of voters are going to continously vote Republican, and their stance will not be changed, meaning that the Democrats must win over 80% of the remainder. This dilutes the values of their votes.

And promoting "traditional families" generally means promoting housewives... a role that some women may like but others do not.


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