Random Rant: US-Australia "Free" Trade Agreement
The current US-Australia "Free" Trade Agreement that will soon probably be ratified is anything but. What it is is an agreement that will give the US's subsidised industries practically total access to the Australian markets, without giving Australian industries any sort of benefit, at least for the next decade or two, by which time those Australian industries will probably be wiped out. It's a total scam that will destroy thousands of Australian jobs and lives, and will probably provide little percivable benefit to the average American. The only people who it will truly benefit is the American upper-class, who'll rake in profits from Australia.
The worst thing is the Australian Opposition is just going to accept the deal. The entire point of having multiple political parties is so that the other parties can contest the government's actions, but no, they just will accept the UnFree Trade Agreement as is. The American government would probably be willing to accept a freer agreement, if the Australian goverment was prepared to negotiate harder and not just accept what the Bush Administration gives them, which pretty much accounts to a pat on the head for Iraq.
I want Labour to oppose this deal. For that matter, I want the Coalition to oppose it as well, but that probably won't happen. All I can say is good on yer to the Green party, who have been the only real opposition to the UnFTA.
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