The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Random Rant: Transfer of Power! Really?

It seems like Dubya has finally actually done something he promised... turned over Iraq to the Iraqis... or has he?
Iraq’s new prime minister, Ayad Allawi, was involved in anti-Saddam terrorist(or "freedom fighter") activites that may have cost innocent Iraqis their lives. These activites were paid for and sponsored by... wait for it... the CIA. I wonder what the average Iraqi will feel about that?

On a related note, guess who Afghani "Interim"(pretty long interim, hey?) Prime Minister of Afghanistan, is a former Unocal (an american oil company) consultant. The current US ambassador to Afghanistan is also a former Unocal staffer. Small world, huh?

By the way, the Bush Government seemed perfectly willing to deal with the Taliban up to Septembe 11th, and Iraq's biological and chemical weapons program during the late 80s was provided by the US government.

Lovely world we live in, isn't it?


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