The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Thursday, October 27, 2005

More Interesting Stuff

Jim Bobz Blog

I hate our government. Who the hell voted an megalomaniac like John Howard into office? Doesn't anybody CARE that's he stealing our freedom? Eroding the seperation of powers?

"Those who would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Ben Franklin (an American)

Do they think that they're only going to use these powers on Arabs or something?

How's this for sedition?


I support this message.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

National Novel Writing Month - National Novel Writing Month

Yep, I've gone insane and decided to write for NaNoWriMo, or at least try, and fail.

50,000 words in 28 days... yay.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Perosonality Test Thingo

ENFP - The Champion
You scored 63% I to E, 28% N to S, 19% F to T, and 76% J to P!

Your type is known as the Champion type, which is part of the larger
group called idealists. Nothing occurs that does not have some deep and
ethical significance in your eyes. You see life as an exciting drama.
You are very charismatic, yet tend to be too harsh on yourself for not
being as genuine as you think you should be. 3% of the population
shares your type.

As a romantic partner, you need to talk about what is going on in your
life. You are a strong supporter for your partner's efforts to grow and
change and be happy. You need to feel that same support from your
partner. Expressive, optimistic, and curious, you are eager to enjoy
new experiences with your partner, whom you wish to be your confidant
and soul mate, as well as play mate. You are uncomfortable sharing
negative emotion, though, and tend to withdraw from confrontation and
process your feelings privately. You feel most loved when your partner
appreciates your creativity, accepts your uniqueness, and sees you as
the compassionate person you are. You need to hear your partner tell
you how much you mean to them and would love if they did thoughtful
spontaneous things to demonstrate it.

Your group summary: idealists (NF)

Your type summary: ENFP

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 75% on I to E
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You scored higher than 32% on N to S
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You scored higher than 10% on F to T
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You scored higher than 88% on J to P
Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Monday, October 24, 2005

Ten Super Fun Things To Do On The Train


1) Your fellow passengers are also bored. Strike up a conversation! Introduce yourself to them as "Bathesheba, Queen of Thebes".
2) Many new trains have windows that cannot be opened. Express your distress at this by smashing as many as possible.
3) Few people are aware that the button marked "Emergency Stop" actually does nothing. Feel free to push it as many times as you want.
4) Some other, better prepared passengers may have planned for the long train journey by bringing a book or a newspaper. Offer to read it aloud to them.
5) Many famous political figures, such as Lenin, Washington, and Julius Ceasar, first had their ideas on long train journeys. Why not follow in their footsteps and recruit your fellow passsengers as footsoldiers to craft a New World Order?
6) It's a well known fact that 60% of all train trips involve a robbery of some sort. Prepare yourself to defend the train against attackers by fashioning improvised weapons from the seat cushions.
7) Conductors are authorized to offer refunds to travellers who have boarded the wrong train. See whether your conductor buys the fact that, even though you are decked out in your favourite team's colours, you weren't intending to go to the stadium.
8) The driver isn't happy to be cramped up in his or her little room all day. Force your way in and offer to drive the train while he or she takes a break.
9) The seats on the train are not only designed to be comfortable, but the cushions can also be removed with enough force. Feel free to tear them out and throw them at the conductor if he or she asks for your ticket.
10) Thanks to the government's new anti-terrorism laws, ordinary Australians can help fight global terrorism by turning in suspicious people. If there is anyone on your train who looks vaguely Middle-Eastern, get out your mobile and report them to the Terror Hotline.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Seven: a mysterious number. It's the number of Halos in the galaxy, the number that, multiplied by six, gives you the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. In Christian numerology, it's often considered the number of God. It's the number of days in the week and the number of fingers on two and a half hands. And now, it's the latest blogosphere member to spread to the Peanut Gallery.

Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die:
1) Have kids.
2) Write something that gets published. Anything.
3) Learn French.
4) Work with an amateur theatre group.
5) Eat a deep-fried Mars Bar.
6) Travel into space.
7) Visit Uluru.

Seven Things I Can Do:
1) Endlessly criticize myself.
2) Come up with bullshit that sounds true.
3) Talk at great length without actually saying anything in particular.
4) Tell you exactly what an initiative check is, what CR a Beholder is and the DC of a save against domination.
5) Genuinely respect other people.
6) Argue.
7) Imagine.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1) Stop crticizing myself.
2) Initiate a conversation with someone without a third party.
3) Finish The Lord of the Rings.
4) Relax in the presence of cats.
5) Eat pumpkin, zuchinni, spinach, or cucumber without the urge to burn off my tastebuds.
6) Drink coffee.
7) Operate a crane.

Seven Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex:
1) Compassion and empathy.
2) Must love books.
3) Zaniness.
4) Understanding
5) Geekiness in its positive aspect.
6) Intelligence.
7) Sense of humour.

Seven Things I Say Too Often:
1) "Fully pretentious and yuppie."
2) "but not in a gay way!"
3) "*headdesk*"
4) "but what if..."
5) "I'm an idiot"
6) "Ooookay"
7) "Nooo."

Seven Celebrity Crushes:
Ummm... none. But let's go for celebrities I consider attractive-looking.
1) Pre-blonde Lindsay Lohan
2) Keira Knightley
3) Emma Watson.
4) Um. You see, I'm not that up on celebrities...
5) yep
6) um, see above
7) woot! number seven!

Seven People Who Should Fill This Out:
1) Rachel
2) Sargon
3) Jarrah
4) Anme
5) Bugsy (okay, techically you don't have a blog. you can post it on someone else's or something)
6) George W. Bush
7) Anybody else who happens to come galumphing on down to my blog.