The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Random Rant: Interest Rates

"If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." was a phrase coined by the Nazi propaganda machine and taken to a modern level in this year's election campaign by the Coalition.

Interest rates, interest rates, interest rates. Economy, economy, economy. Continual lies pouring out of your TV eventually turns into the truth in the minds of many. They won the election through lies. Don't be suprised if it happens again.

Don't blame me for anything that happens under Little Johnnie's Fourth Reign: I can't even vote.


At 10:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One election victory for the Iraqis, two to go.

If you have someone like Latham stating that he'll build Australia a world-class healthcare system and a world-class education system, he's insinuating that Australia doesn't have either now. Free health care for old people and tons more spending on education might give temporary help in those fields, but tons of government spending will severely damage the Ĺ“conomy and end nearly record low unemployment. They'll tax people far more or they'll increase inflation. Either way, Australia is better off with John Howard as PM.

At 12:04 pm, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

We may have a world-class health system, but John Howard seems intent on destroying it. Private health cover may be great, but it should not replace Medicare.

We definitely don't have a world-class education system. Private schools may be world-class, but our government schools are pretty bad. I think all funding to private schools should be suspended. But none of that would really change my mind about school: it's bad either way.


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