Random Rant: Buying the Election
If John Howard wins this election, it will be proof that the Australian elections can be bought. He has plunged billions of dollars into attracting the swing voters and pork barrelling. Baby bonuses, childcare payouts, all are aimed at attracting the swing voters, who can generally be divided into two groups: the apathetic(who cares, they all suck) and the selfish(what's in this policy for me?). Either group is vulnerable to bribes and scare tactics. The apathetic especially are those who we don't want deciding our election. But the other option is the American system: one in which small groups can wield huge amounts of power.
It seems that politicians have no long-term view. They look only to the next election. It seems to be more evident in this Australian election than any other. Neither major party has announced any policies that will enhance Australia's future in the long-term, because that kind of policy doesn't attract the apathetic or selfish voters. Just look at the Coalition's Medicare policies. It is this problem which permeates representative democracy, and I haven't the faintest idea how to fix it. I want a say in my government, but I don't want politicking and pork barreling.
If Howard wins the election, he will set a standard for all further elections. Will Australian democracy be able to survive such a standard? I don't know, but it doesn't bode well.
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