The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Friday, October 01, 2004

Cthulhu Tract

Jack Chick Does Cthulhu

Jack Chick is the extremely intolerant Religous Right figure who created Tracts.

Among his ideas:
-Catholicism is not a Christian Church.
-Islam was created by the Catholic Church.
-D&D teaches you how to cast magic spells.... Really? Why can't I cast Everado's Everlasting Embers? It's not fair!
-Fantasy and Science Fiction are evil.

Well, I'll be gosh-darned! He's also a pocket CTHULHUIST!!!!!


At 12:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW: this post was sarcastic, but Jack Chick is a very intolerant man.


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