The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Racism isn't Controversial: it's just shit.

There's some idiot in Australia right now getting his face on the news by calling for an end to nonwhite immigration or some shit like that. What gets me is that the news is giving him airtime, and calling him "controversial". No, it's not farking controversial. To have a controversy, you need TWO SIDES. There's nothing quite as one-sided as this argument. Why does the media feel the need to talk about him? He's just an idiot, and should be ignored.


At 1:29 pm, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Hey, cool, more homeschoolers. Ever attend any of the homeschooling camps? Read Otherways? There's a homeschooling camp in Anglesea around... April or something... though it might be fully booked already. Anyway. It's good to know there's more homeschoolers in the Greater Geelong Region.

At 12:58 pm, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Oh, that's just a joke. I'm kinda obsessed with the Soviet Union and its history, though I do prefer to live under the sunny skies of liberal capitalism.

Me? I'd only be in year ten, if my caculations are correct.

Anyway, you should check out Otherways. It's definitely an unschooling mag, but I write a few articles for the teenager's section, which I also am an assisstant editor for. Sometimes.

At 6:43 pm, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Gorby! A strange figure, one who believed he could make communism work with democracy, while not giving up the priveldges of the elite. A sad dreamer-figure.


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