Some crazy stuff I wrote:
TEAM_BRIT has entered server AMERICA
IROQOUIS(indians): brits, team?
PILGRIM(brit): sif!
PILGRIM(brit) used SMALLPOX on IROQOUIS(indian)
PILGRIM(brit) used SMALLPOX on CHEROKEE(indian)
PILGRIM(brit) used SMALLPOX on HURON(indian)
PILGRIM(brit) used SMALLPOX on POTOMAC(indian)
SAWNEE(indians): OMG!!! hacker!!!!
SAWNEE(indians) speared ROANOKE(brit)
PILGRIM(brit): f***in injuns
JAMESTOWN(brit) shot SAWNEE(indians) with the MUSKET
JAMESTOWN(brit) shot CREEK(indians) with the MUSKET
JAMESTOWN(brit) shot HAWHAW(indians) with the MUSKET
TEAM_INDIANS has been eliminated
PILGRIM(brit): we r t3 own3rz!
JAMESTOWN(brit): y
j3ff3rs0n(brit): hey, new team?
wash1ngt0n(brit): k
TEAM_AMERICA has been formed by wash1ngt0n
k1ng_george3(brit): OMG!!! switcherz!!!! you die now!!!!
j3ff3rs0n joined TEAM_AMERICA
b3n3d1ct joined TEAM_AMERICA
frankl1n joined TEAM_AMERICA
ham1lt0n joined TEAM_AMERICA
g4t3s joined TEAM_AMERICA
wash1ngt0n(america) shot l0rd_h0we(brit) with the CANNON
c0rnw4ll1s(brit): OMG! aimbot!
wash1ngt0n(america): no way!!!!
g4t3s(america) shot gentleman_johnny(brit) with the MUSKET
b3n3d1ct(america): OMG!!! killthief!!!
b3n3d1ct joined TEAM_BRIT
b3n3d1ct(brit) burnt RICHMOND(america) with FIRE
TEAM_FRANCE has entered server AMERICA
lafayette(france): america, team?
franklin(america): k!
ham1lt0n(america): OMG!!! teamkiller!!!
tarleton(brit) was shot by wash1ngt0n(america) with the MUSKET
comte_rochambeu(france) defeated r0dney(brit) with the NAVY
wash1ngt0n(america) shot c0rnw4ll1s(brit) with the MUSKET
wash1ngt0n(america): tanx
l0rd_n0rth(brit): this sucks. we quit.
TEAM_BRIT has left server AMERICA
wash1ngt0n(america): BRIT=0wn3d
lafayette(france): cyal8r!
TEAM_FRANCE has left server AMERICA
j3ff3rs0n(america): lets choose teamleader
wash1ngt0n has been chosen as TEAM_AMERICA_LEADER
wash1ngt0n(america leader): dude, we don't get enough cash to afford t3 awesomes. we need a constitution
ham1lton(america): k
TEAM_AMERICA has been constituted. TEAM_AMERICA is ranked #1 in server AMERICA and #25 in world EARTH
wash1ngt0n(america leader): i g2g.
wash1ngt0n(america leader) has left world EARTH
j3ff3rs0n has been chosen as TEAM_AMERICA_LEADER
j3ff3rs0n(america leader): this servers too quiet. lets go to mediterranean.
tripoli(pirates) has shot merchant1(america) with the CANNON
tripoli(pirates): gotcha... gimme cash
j3ff3rs0n(america leader): SIF!!!
uss_constitution has joined TEAM_AMERICA
uss_constitution(america) sunk tripoli(pirates) with the CANNON
uss_constitution(america) sunk tunisia(pirates) with the CANNON
uss_constitution(america) sunk algeria(pirates) with the CANNON
j3ff3rs0n(america leader): 0wn3d!!!!
j3ff3rs0n(america leader): lets go home
TEAM_AMERICA has joined server AMERICA