Comments from the Peanut Gallery: Spelling Online
People really need to spell properly online. It pisses me off whenever I see a "te awesom". On the other hand, l33tsp34k r0cks.
People really need to spell properly online. It pisses me off whenever I see a "te awesom". On the other hand, l33tsp34k r0cks.
On Friday, my family and I traveled to Ballarat, to Sovereign Hill Living Museum. Sovereign Hill is a museum that shows what life was like in Ballarat during the gold rush. There are plenty of interesting sights and activities throughout the museum, but one of the best parts is talking to the museum staff. We had very informative chats with the boiler operator and the "wheelwright", something that would not have happened if we had been on a guided tour. The museum really gets across what life was like in the 1850s-60s.
Okay, so I've decided to let Tycho be the Dungeon Master for our new campaign. My new character is the Baronet Willius "Ogreslayer" uth Caramar, Heir to the Barony of Whitehill, Consort to the Lady of Southmark, and Commander of the Whitehill Militia. For our first adventure, I will be hiring a group of Mercenaries to defeat the undead who have been threating the goldminers of Whitehill's goldfields.
It's election time here in 'straya, and it is a horrible time. Every day seems to have the Howard goverment come up with a new scheme to save their flagging ratings. And you know why? Because they can keep doing it until they find something that works. Having the government set the election date is possibly the STUPIDEST idea ever implemented in a government system. This way, they'll just wait until their ratings are higher than ever. The Australian political system is overdue for an overhaul.
I recently read a copy of the Australian Constitution, which I should have probably done a while ago, seeing as I'm an Aussie. My opinion of it: It sucks. Not entirely, but plenty of stuff should be scrapped, and some stuff should be added.