The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Bush Suspends Minimum Wage



At 4:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a republican but your comment about minimum wage frustrates me. Lets say we raise minimum wage to $20, nay $30/hour. What business could afford to hire people? It would actually slow the rebuilding process because nobody could afford to rebuild.

Bush totally blew it on this recovery but you have to give him credit for taking steps here to help when a public that's generally ignorant of economics is going to give him hell for this. And you vote.

I'm not making this up. Here's a quote from a hospital that can't afford minimum wage so it turns away willing workers.
"We were forbidden to allow patients to work unless they were paid Federal Minimum Wage and of course, there was no money in the budget for that."

You're calling for more bureaucracy when bureaucracy just cost the lives of untold numbers of people. Do us all a favor and read an Econ 101 textbook before you vote again.

At 11:51 am, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

...hey, I can't vote yet. And I kinda posted this to learn more about this stuff. But the minimum wage isn't $20 an hour, it's more like $5 an hour.

But it seems to me that the companies awarded federal contracts in the Katrina-affected region will have a captive labour pool basically willing to work for any amount of money, say, 50c an hour. They will be able to squeeze more profit out of the contract by hiring refugees with no other options other than to work.

At 4:08 am, Blogger Toad734 said...

Theres a shock. Though, I would like to see an official link to this.

$20 per hour and $5.15 per hour are quite different.

If minimum wage had kept up with CEO pay increases over the last 20 years it would be over $20 per hour. My question is what company can afford to pay their CEOs that much?


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