The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Monday, February 21, 2005

A New Kind of Political Correctness

A new kind of political correctness is arising in America... or perhaps I should say has arisen. It's the political correctness that says you can't criticize President Bush, you can't be against the War in Iraq(or else you're not supporting our troops), and in generaly you can't have a viewpoint that deviates from the Official Party Line. The only people who are allowed to deviate are the liberals on shows like Crossfire, and there you must instead disagree with everything in the official party line. There's only two sides of the line. There's only black and white. There's only a liberal viewpoint and a conservative viewpoint, and the conservative viewpoint is always right.


At 5:38 am, Blogger Toad734 said...

Well, it's not right.
but check this out:


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