Random Rant: Let's Not Pay Our Dues!
The American government has come up with a plan: stop paying 20% or whatever of their UN dues until it becomes an American tool or folds up and explodes. Brilliant!
Let's withdraw funding from UNICEF, the WHO, and all those other acronyms that make the world a better place. Let's stop the UN from helping to arbitrate disputes peacfully. Let's try and accelerate World War IV's arrival. Have a beer or two! It might help you come up with an even better plan!
I've got another plan: if you don't like the way the Bush administration is going, stop paying 20% of your taxes! Go for it
C'mon mate,
What good has the UN done when it comes to "arbitrat(ing) disputes peacefully?" Mogadishu, perhaps? Maybe the UN has helped get rid of some of the dictators in the world... No wait, the UN props them up with crap like the Oil for Palaces scandal.
If Red China is accepted for the Security council, but Taiwan is not, then something is wrong.
Some things the UN does can be good. But this whole "peaceful conflict resolution" junk is not one of those things. It never works; it simply helps dictators and brutal genocidal maniacs in their quest to stay in power (or gain power).
I say withdraw from the UN entirely, and create a league of Democracies. I know that may not be feasible right now, but it's far better than letting Libya head up some Security committee.
Let the UN knock themselves out in ending world hunger, but they should get no money in resolving conflicts; there are too many dictators in the UN for it to be useful in those purposes.
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