The First Stop on the Road to the Destruction of Humanity

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Random Rant: Politicians

You know what the single largest problem with politicians is? They don't act based on their principles... they act based upon what will get them reelected. This problem must be recitifed! I have no idea how, but it is the single biggest problem.

The only Aussie politician who I can think of who seems to act upon his principles rather than what will get him elected is Mark Latham, the leader of the Opposition. Several times he has defended a stance that has been unpopular with the public instead of instantly changing their stance like certain other politicians I could mention (Prime Minister John Howard?? Victorian Premier Stephen Bracks??)

Maybe I should go into politics :).

BTW, if you're unfamiliar with the Australian system of government, check out the Australian constititution. And see my ideas for change.


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